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Humans are pretty basic they are humans. For a while, humans knew nothing about the supernatural world and races. They were oblivious and believed that all of these 'monsters' were once fictional. When the angels came down from the heavens, the religious fanatics were fools and went willingly like lambs for the slaughter. Those that didn't joined up with the rebellion .

It's different now there are two types of humans, there are those that are called.

The Devout - These are known to be the workers, and blind followers of their supernatural hosts. They will do anything. Most of those that are devout are born this way they do not know any other way to live. They are a bad lot to fall in with and often will be found  aiding the Angels in the belief that they are one of the chosen ones and will be saved. In truth, they are just another pawn to the angels.

Then there are the others.

The Unfaithful - These are the men and women who hated their confinement. Believe that they can and will one day conquer and become free again. They often are spies or sneaks within a devout home and sometimes set up the caretakers of humans for downfalls. They are also part of the Rebellion against the Angels and the Devout.

Humans have all their normal weaknesses unless maintained by their caretakers in ways to make them stronger. Some Humans get special talents from time to time like Clairvoyants and those that can talk with animals mentally. These rare humans are cherished and tried to be kept strictly with their hosts at all times.

Clairvoyants or Animal Whisperers do have some extra disabilities. Their talents have a tendency to leave them weak when used. Migraines and headaches hit them later. Their side affects can be avoided only if they are mated or bonded to their assigned caretakers. It only lessens the affects so that they are really sleepy or exhausted later. They must practice their power to strengthen it. No one is born being able to control the power.

Keep in mind if you do something stupid and get beheaded, or shot through the head or heart that you will die. Not even your hosts can save you from that.

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